Thursday, December 27, 2012

Jawatan Kosong ST - Suruhanjaya Tenaga Malaysia

jawatan kosong suruhanjaya
Jawatan Kosong Suruhanjaya Tenaga - Suruhanjaya Tenaga is a statutory body responsible for regulating the energy sector, particularly electricity and piped gas supply in Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah.Suruhanjaya Tenaga should ensure that the electricity and piped gas supplied to consumers is guaranteed, reliable, secure and at affordable prices.

In an effort to improve performance in the industry again bekalan power, on May 1st, 2001, the kingdom has been embodied Suruhanjaya Malaysia under the Deed Suruhanjaya Labour Force 2001. Power Suruhanjaya fully operational in January 1, 2002 and took over the role of Title Bekalan Electric and Gas has been dissolved in the same era.

Power sector in Malaysia has undergone rapid and striking changes since the 1990s. It is driven by a desire to improve the safety bekalan royal power, increased efficiency and qualities in perkhidmatan utilities and increasing private sector participation in infrastructure development.

Jawatan Kosong Suruhanjaya Tenaga :
  1. Jurutera Gred J41
  2. Pegawai Eksekutif (Perakaunan) Gred 41
  3. Juruteknik Komputer Gred FT17
  4. Pembantu Tadbir Perkeranian Operasi Gred N17
  5. Pembantu Tadbir Kesetiausahaan
  6. Pembantu Tadbir (Perakaunan) Gred 21
  7. Pembantu Tadbir (Undang-Undang) Gred L17

How to apply

Further information and how to apply, please follow :

Jawatan Kosong Suruhanjaya Tenaga closing date 28 January 2013

Jawatan Kosong ST - Suruhanjaya Tenaga Malaysia provided by Jawatan Kosong Malaysia Terkini 2013
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