Friday, January 11, 2013

Jawatan Kosong MOSTI - Kementerian Sains,Teknologi dan Inovasi

jawatan kosong mosti
Jawatan Kosong MOSTI - The Ministry was first established in 1973 as the Ministry of Technology, Research and Local Government. In 1976, in line with new functions and responsibilities pertaining to environmental matters, the Ministry then changed its name to Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (MOSTE). On 27th March 2004, the Cabinet agreed to the restructuring of MOSTE and the name was changed to Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) in order to lead the National ICT Development function, Multimedia and Innovation. In 2007, the science and technology function was divided into Biotechnology, ICT, Industry, Sea to Space and S&T Services clusters.

Jawatan Kosong MOSTI (Yayasan Pendidikan Antartika Sultan Mizan) :

1. Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif
2. Timbalan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif
3. Penolong Pegawai Tadbir
4. Setiausaha Pejabat
5. Pembantu Tadbir (Perkeranian / Operasi)

Further information and how to apply, please follow :

Jawatan Kosong MOSTI closing date 24 January 2013

Jawatan Kosong MOSTI - Kementerian Sains,Teknologi dan Inovasi provided by Jawatan Kosong Malaysia Terkini 2013
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