Friday, December 14, 2012

Jawatan Kosong NRE - Kementerian Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar

Jawatan Kosong NRE
Jawatan Kosong NRE - The Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment (NRE) was established on March 27, 2004 following the formation of a new cabinet by the Prime Minister.

NRE had undertaken few departments from four ministries :

Department of Director General of Lands and Mines (JKPTG), Department of Survey & Mapping Malaysia (JUPEM) and National Institute of Land and Survey (INSTUN) from Ministry of Land and Co-operative Development (KTPK). Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia (JPSM), Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) and Minerals and Geoscience Department Malaysia (JMG) from Ministry of Primary Industries (KPU).

Department of Environment (JAS) and Department of Wildlife & National Parks Peninsular Malaysia (PERHILITAN) from Ministry of Science Technology and Environment (MOSTI).

Department of Irrigation and Drainage (JPS) and National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM) from Ministry of Agriculture (MOA)

NRE is responsible for :

Natural resources management.
a. Forest management.
b. Irrigation and drainage management.
c. Wildlife management.
d. Minerals management.

Conservation and management of environment and shelters.
a. Environmental conservation.
b. Marine park management.
Management of land survey and mapping administration.
a. Land management and administration.
b. Land surveying.
c. Mapping processing.

Jawatan Kosong Kementerian Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar :
  1. Pembantu Am Pejabat N1
  2. Pekerja Awam R1
  3. Pemandu Kenderaan R3
  4. Penghantar Notis R3
  5. Pekerja Awam Khas R3

How to Apply

(A) Applicants must use Form Recruitment Personnel Online (Online), which can be requested by accessing the following:

(B) Candidates who are made up of officers who are serving in the Civil Service, Statutory Bodies or Local Authorities to submit applications through the respective Heads of Department to ensure that copies of statements
Update service and annual performance assessment report brought together if called for interview.

Further information and how to apply, please follow :

Application form :

Jawatan Kosong NRE closing date 24 Disember 2012

Jawatan Kosong NRE - Kementerian Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar provided by Jawatan Kosong Malaysia Terkini 2013
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