Thursday, December 20, 2012

Jawatan Kosong UNIMAS - Universiti Malaysia Sarawak

Jawatan Kosong UNIMAS -The university was officially incorporated on 24th December 1992. With about 30 academic staff, the University opened its doors to the first batch of 118 students on 8th August 1993. The students were registered in the two pioneering faculties, the Faculty of Social Science and the Faculty of Resource Science and Technology. Two academic support centres were also established: the Centre for Applied Learning and Multimedia, and the Centre for Academic Information Services. As of January 2012 the total student population of UNIMAS is 11,160 and the total number of staff is 2,143.

Jawatan Kosong Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) :
  1. Pegawai Perubatan UD43
  2. Pegawai Penerbitan N41
  3. Pustakawan S41
  4. Pegawai Teknologi Maklumat F41
  5. Penolong Pegawai Teknologi Maklumat F29
  6. Penolong Pegawai Tadbir N27
  7. Pembantu Tadbir (Kewangan) W17
  8. Pembantu Juruaudit W17
  9. Penyelia Asrama N17
  10. Pembantu Tadbir (Perkeranian/ Operasi) N17

How to apply

Applicants must apply through the application form on-line positions (HROnline). Forms can be accessed through the following URL

Document Submission Procedures Application That Has Been Short Listed:

(1) Candidates who have been shortlisted to submit the application form (HROnline) printed and copies of documents certified as follows:

(A) Passport size photograph (non-returnable)
(B) Identity Card
(C) Birth Certificate
(D) academic certificates in question together with the transcript (PMR / SRP / equivalent, SPM / equivalent, Diploma, Bachelor's Degree)
(E) certificates or other relevant documents
(F) If the applicant is currently working with the Government / Statutory bodies / local authorities should forward their applications through the respective Heads of Department to attach Value Annual Performance Report (LNPT) updated and complete statement of service.

(2) The registration number HROnline be indicated in the top left of the application envelope and sent to the address below with IMMEDIATE rate

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
(u/p : Unit Perjawatan & Pembangunan
Tel : 082-581000 Fax : 082-581095

(3) Applications will be accepted and a short list of candidates can be disqualified if the applicant fails to submit the copies of the documents that have been confirmed as above, incomplete or unclear, not signed, do not meet the eligibility requirements, late applications received and the picture is not as set (image scan is not allowed).
(4) Applicants who do not receive a response after three (3) months from the closing date should consider their applications unsuccessful.

Further information and how to apply, please follow :

Jawatan Kosong UNIMAS closing date 01 January 2013

Jawatan Kosong UNIMAS - Universiti Malaysia Sarawak provided by Jawatan Kosong Malaysia Terkini 2013
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