Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Jawatan Kosong LLM - Lembaga Lebuhraya Malaysia

jawatan kosong llm
Jawatan Kosong LLM - Lembaga Lebuhraya Malaysia is a statutory body which was established on October 24, 1980 in accordance with Act 231 (Corporation 1980). The Highway Authority of Malaysia was established to supervise and execute the design, construction, regulation, operation and maintenance of inter-urban highways, to impose and collect tolls, to enter into contracts and to provide for matters connected there-with.

Jawatan Kosong Lembaga Lada Malaysia :

1. Penolong Akauntan Gred W27

  • (a) a citizen of Malaysia;
  • (b) not less than 18 years on the closing date of the position;
  • (c) (i) a diploma in business studies, finance, banking or accounting are recognized by the government of the institutions of higher learning or a recognized qualification equivalent thereto.
  • (ii) Licentiate of The Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators of United Kingdom in the field of finance recognized by the government or a recognized qualification equivalent thereto.
  • (d) pass Bahasa Malaysia / Malay (including pass Oral) at SPM level or kelulusanyang Malaysia recognized by the government.

2. Pembantu Tadbir (Perkeranian/Operasi) Gred N17

  • (a) a citizen of Malaysia;
  • (b) not less than 18 years on the closing date of the position;
  • (c) Certificate of Education or equivalent qualification recognized by the government;
  • (d) a credit in Bahasa Malaysia / Malay (including pass Oral Examination) in the Certificate of Education or equivalent qualification recognized by the Government.
  • (Priority will be given to candidates who are able to operate a computer and / or take shorthand).

Further information and how to apply, please follow :

Jawatan Kosong LLM closing date 15 February 2013

Jawatan Kosong LLM - Lembaga Lebuhraya Malaysia provided by Jawatan Kosong Malaysia Terkini 2013
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