Jawatan Kosong MD Renggam - Majlis Daerah Simpang Renggam was formerly known as South Kluang District Council, where the announcement as Majlis Daerah Simpang Renggam was on 1st January 2001. This was due to the restructuring programme implemented by the State Government by upgrading some of the Local Authority in Johor. Simpang Renggam District Council consists of 5 Local Council namely Renggam, Simpang Renggam, Machap, Layang-Layang and Sungai Sayong. The restructuring programme by the Federal Government in 1979 with legislative power under the Local Government Act of 1976 as the basis to the establishment of a Local Government which acted as an infrastructure catalyst for the community in this district which has a scope gazette Pelan Warta PW1287 (JPU.17. 1979) and overall 49,780 multiracial people living here.
1. Pembantu Penguatkuasa Gred N17
2. Pembantu Juruaudit Gred W17
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Jawatan Kosong MD Renggam closing date 06 February 2013